JSTOR announced yesterday the following new content:
The British Museum Quarterly (Arts & Sciences Complement)
Release Content:
Vols. 1 – 37; 1926 - 1973
Publication of this title ceased in 1973.
Publisher: British Museum
ISSN: 0007-151X
Bulletin of the Fogg Art Museum [1931-1950] (Arts & Sciences V)
Previous Title = Notes (Fogg Art Museum)[1921-1931] (1939053X)
Release Content:
Vols. 1 – 2; 1921 - 1931
Vols. 1 – 11; 1931 - 1950
Publication of this title ceased in 1950.
Publisher: President and Fellows of Harvard College on behalf of Harvard Art Museum
ISSN: 1939-0394
Cahiers d'Études Africaines (Arts & Sciences Complement)
Release Content:
Vols. 1 – 42; 1960 - 2002
Moving Wall: 5 years
Publisher: EHESS
ISSN: 0008-0055
Corinth: Results of Excavations Conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens (Arts & Sciences Complement)
Release Content:
Vols. 1 – 20; 1929 - 2004
Moving Wall: 3 years
Publisher: American School of Classical Studies at Athens
ISSN: 1558-7185
Please note: The first volume of Corinth appeared in 1929, and further parts appear irregularly as scholars finish their assigned topics.
Dead Sea Discoveries (Arts & Sciences Complement)
Release Content:
Vols. 1 – 9; 1994 - 2002
Moving Wall: 5 years
Publisher: Brill
ISSN: 0929-0761
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
AWOL - The ancient World Online - 7
AWOL - The Ancient World Online
Included in this list are several sets of electronic resources from the University of Chicago
Alexander, Christine. Greek Athletics. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1925.
Allen, Thomas George. Egyptian Stelae in Field Museum of Natural History. Chicago: Field Museum of Natural History, 1936.
Aryeh Leib ben; Samuel, Zevi Hirsch, 1651-1731. Sefer She'elot u-teshuvot Sha'agat Aryeh ... Nai'i Vit: Yisra'el b. Moses, 496 [1735 or 1736].
Banks, Edgar James. Bismya or The Lost City of Adab. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1912.
Bracciolini, Poggio, 1380-1459. Orationes in Laurentium Vallam. With: Leonardo Bruni (Aretino), Epistola ad Baptistam de Malatestis; and Plutarch, De liberis educandis [De educatione puerorum], translated from Greek into Latin by Guarino Veronese. Italy. [ca. 1485].
Budge, E. A. Wallis and L. W.King, editors. Annals of the Kings of Assyria. London: Harrison and Sons, 1902.
Champollion le Jeune. Grammaire Egyptienne. Paris : Typographie de Firmin Didot Freres, 1836.
Contenau, G. Umma sous la Dynastie d'Ur. Paris: Librairie Paul Geuthner, 1916.
Dalman, Gustav and Duncan Mackenzie. Palestine Exploration Fund, 1911. London : Harrison and Sons, 1911.
Dawkins, R. M. The Sanctuary of Artemis Orthia at Sparta. London: MacMillan and Co., Limited, 1929
Harrison, Jane Ellen. Themis: A Study of the Social Origins of Greek Religion. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1912.http://www.blogger.com/img/gl.link.gif
Jondet, Gaston. Les Ports Submergés de L'ancienne Île de Pharos. Paris : Typographie de Firmin Didot Freres, 1836.
Joseph II, Emperor of Austria. Judenverordnung.
Vienna, 1782.
Korte, Alfred and Gustav Korte. Gordion Ergebnisse der Ausgrabung im Jahre 1900. Berlin: Druck und Verlag von Georg Reimer, 1904.
Lefebvre, Gustave. Le Tombeau de Petosiris. Premiere Partie: Description. Le Caire: L'institut Francais D'archeologie Orientale, 1924.
Lefebvre, Gustave. Le Tombeau de Petosiris. Deuxieme Partie: Les Textes. Le Caire: L'institut Francais D'archeologie Orientale, 1923.
Lefebvre, Gustave. Le Tombeau de Petosiris. Troisieme Partie: Vocabulaire et Planches. Le Caire: L'institut Francais D'archeologie Orientale, 1924.
MacAlister, R. A. S. and J. Garrow Duncan. Excavations on the Hill of Ophel, Jerusalem 1923-1925. London: Harrison and Sons, 1926.
Mackenzie, Duncan. Excavations at Ain Shems (Beth-Shemesh). London: Harrison and Sons, 1914.
Montet, Pierre. Scènes de la Vie Privée dans les Tombeaux Égyptiens de L'ancien Empire. Paris: Strasbourg University, 1925.
Osten, Hans Henning von der. Ancient Oriental Seals in the Collection of Mr. Edward T. Newell. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1934.
Petrie, W. M. Flinders. With Chapters by Cecil Smith, Ernest Gardner, and Barclay V. Head. Naukratis. London: Trübner and Company, 1886.
Petrie, W. M. Flinders. Illahun, Kahun and Gurob. 1889-90. London: David Nutt, 1891.
Petrie, W. M. Flinders. Kahun, Gurob, and Hawara. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, and Co., 1890
Platner, Samuel Ball. A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome. London: Oxford University Press, 1929.
Regiomontanus, Joannes, 1436-1476. Kalendarium magistri Joannis de monteregio viri peritissimi. Augsburg: Erhard Ratdolt, 1489.
Ridder, Alfred de. Catalogue des Vases Peints de la Bibliothèque Nationale. Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1901.
Schaal, Hans.Griechische Vasen aus Frankfurter Sammlungen. Frankfurt am Main: Frankfurter Verlags-Anstalt A.-G., 1923.
Sethe, Kurt. Die Altaegyptischen Pyramidentexte nach den Papierabdrücken und
Photographien des Berliner Museums. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs'sche Buchhandlung, 1908.
Sethe, Kurt. Die Altaegyptischen Pyramidentexte nach den Papierabdrücken und Photographien des Berliner Museums. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs'sche Buchhandlung, 1910.
Smith, G. Elliot. Catalogue Général Antiquités Égyptiennes du Musée du Caire: The
Royal Mummies. Le Caire: Imprimerie de L'institut Français D'archéologie Orientale, 1912.
Steinschneider, Moritz, 1816-1907. Jüdische Schriften zur Geographie Palästina's (X-XIX. Jahrh.) Jerusalem: A. M. Lunez, 1892.
Thompson, R. Campbell. The Reports of the Magicians and Astrologers of Nineveh and Babylon in the British Museum, vol. 1. London: Luzac and Co., 1900.
Thompson, R. Campbell. The Reports of the Magicians and Astrologers of Nineveh and Babylon in the British Museum, vol. 2. London: Luzac and Co., 1900.
Thureau-Dangin, F. Les Cylindres de Goudéa. Paris: Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, 1925.
The William Rainey Harper Memorial Library. Chicago: The University of Chicago, 1973.
Winnefeld, Hermann. Die Villa des Hadrian bei Tivoli. Berlin: Druck und Verlag von Georg Reimer, 1895.
S. C. Woodhouse. English-Greek Dictionary: A Vocabulary of the Attic Language. London: G. Routledge & Sons, 1910.
Woolley, C. Leonard and T. E. Lawrence The Wilderness of Zin (Archaeological Report). London: Harrison and Sons, 1914.
Sociolinguistics of the Luvian Language: A Dissertation Presented to The Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations by Ilya Yakubovich. The Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, The University of Chicago, June 2008.
Archaeological Texts and Contexts on the Red Sea: The Sheikh’s House at Quseir al-Qadim: A Dissertation Presented to The Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations by Katherine Strange Burke. The Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, The University of Chicago, June 2007.
Mood and Modality in Hurrian: A Dissertation Presented to The Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations by Dennis R. M. Campbell. The Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, The University of Chicago, March 2007.
Urbanism and Society in the Third Millennium Upper Khabur Basin: A Dissertation Submitted to the Faculty of the Division of the Humanities in Candidacy for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, By Jason Alik Ur, Chicago, Illinois, December 2004.
The Architecture of Defense: Fortified Settlements Of The Levant During The Middle Bronze Age: A Dissertation Presented to The Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations by Aaron Alexander Burke. The Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, The University of Chicago, June 2004.
Archaeology and Historical Problems of the Second Intermediate Period: A Dissertation Submitted to the Faculty of the Division of the Humanities in Candidacy for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Department Of Near Eastern Languages And Civilizations, By Bruce Williams, Chicago, Illinois, December 1975.
Plant Ornament: Its Origin and Development in the Ancient Near East: A Dissertation Submitted to the Faculty of the Division of the Humanities in Candidacy for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Department of Oriental Languages and Literature, By Helene J. Kantor, Chicago, Illinois, March, 1945.
[but not included in ETANA Core Texts]
Bosse, Kathe. Die Menschliche Figur in der Rundplastik der Agyptischen Spatzeit von der XXII. bis zur XXX. Dynastie.
Breasted, James Henry. The Origins of Civilization.
Breasted, James Henry. The Temples of Lower Nubia. II. The Monuments of Sudanese Nubia: Report of the Work of he Egyptian Expedition, Season of 1906-'07.
Koenigsberger, Otto. Die Konstruktion der Agyptischen Tur.
Leibovitch, J. Les Inscriptions Protosinaitiques.
Leipoldt, Iohannes [Editor]. Scriptores Coptici, Textus, Series Secunda, Tomus II, Sinuthii Archimandritae Vita et Opera Omnia.
Leipoldt, Iohannes [Editor]. Scriptores Coptici, Textus, Series Secunda, Tomus IV, Sinuthii Archimandritae Vita et Opera Omnia.
Mallon, Alexis. Grammaire Copt: Bibliographie, chrestomathie et vocabulaire.
Preisendanz, Karl. Papyri Graecae Magicae: Die Griechischen Zauberpapyri I.
Preisendanz, Karl. Papyri Graecae Magicae: Die Griechischen Zauberpapyri II.
Preisigke, Friedrich; Spiegelberg, Wilhelm. Die Prinz-Joachim Ostraka: Griechische und demotische Beisetzungsurkunden fur Ibis- und Falkenmumien aus Ombos.
Robinson, Theodore H.; Hunkin, J.W.; Burkitt, F.C. Palestine in General History.
Schiller, A. Arthur. Ten Coptic Legal Texts.
Sethe, Kurt. Das Hatschepsut-Problem.
Smith, G. Elliot. The Ancient Egyptians and their Influence upon the Civilization of Europe.
Smith, G. Elliot. Tutankhamen and the Discovery of his Tomb by the late Earl of Carnarvon and Mr. Howard Carter.
Sottas, Henri. Papyrus Demotiques de Lille.
Steele, Francis R. The Code of Lipit-Ishtar.
Stegemann, Viktor. Die koptischen Zaubertexte der Sammlung Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer in Wien.
Steindorff, Georg. Die Apokalypse des Elias eine Unbekannte Apokalypse.
Stolk, Martinus. Ptah, Ein Beitrag Zur Religionsgeschichte Des Alten Aegyptens: Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwurde der Universitat Leipzig.
Till, Walter C. Koptische Chrestomathe fur den fayumischen Dialekt mit grammatischer Skizze und Anmerkung.
Wilcken, Ulrich. Die griechischen Papyrusurkunden.
Williams, Caroline Ransom. The Decoration of the Tomb of Per-Neb: The Technique and the Color Conventions.
Winlock, Herbert E. Bas-Reliefs from the Temple of Rameses I at Abydos.
Winlock, Herbert E. The Treasure of El Lahun.
Women in the Ancient Near East: A Select Bibliography of Recent Sources in The Oriental Institute Research Archives, Compiled by Terry G. Wilfong
RECOMMENDED READING ON THE ANCIENT NEAR EAST: A Guide to Introductory Readings on the Ancient Near Eastern World. A Collaborative Production of The Research Archives of the Oriental Institute The Oriental Institute Museum The Oriental Institute Museum Education Program
Oriental Institute Research Archives Serials List
Iraq Bibliographies: These bibliographies have been compiled in response to the cultural heritage crisis in Iraq during and after the war in Spring 2003.
Directory of North American Egyptologists, edited by Richard H. Wilkinson
Smith, Mark S. A Bibliography of Ugaritic Grammar and Biblical Hebrew Grammar in the Twentieth Century
AWOL - The Ancient World Online - 1
AWOL - The Ancient World Online - 2
AWOL - The Ancient World Online - 3
AWOL - The Ancient World Online - 4
AWOL - The Ancient World Online - 5
AWOL - The Ancient World Online - 6
AWOL - The Ancient World Online - 7
AWOL - The Ancient World Online
AWOL - The Ancient World Online - 5: Publications of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens are available online in open access formats
Open Access Publications: Publications of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens
Monday, September 22, 2008
Recent North American Dissertations on the Ancient World - September 2008
The following is a list of recent North American PhD dissertations (and some MA theses) on the Ancient World. Most are available for sale or for download from UMI ProQuest via institutions who subscribe. Check your institution's library for access to the UMI Proquest database.
A brief history by the victor: Roman portrayal of Etruscan influences
by Franks, MaryLee, M.A., University of Kansas, 2008, 55 pages; AAT 1453649
A case study in function and form: Excavations of a Third Intermediate Period mud-brick building in Thebes
by Sullivan, Elaine A., Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins University, 2008, 586 pages; AAT 3288540
A commentary on Tacitus, "Annals" 16.1--20
by Bartera, Salvador, Ph.D., University of Virginia, 2008, 318 pages; AAT 3312182
A critical introduction and commentary on the "Acts of Paul and Thecla"
by Barrier, Jeremy W., Ph.D., Texas Christian University, 2008, 341 pages; AAT 3297946
Advanced correlation-based character recognition applied to the Archimedes Palimpsest
by Walvoord, Derek J., Ph.D., Rochester Institute of Technology, 2008, 197 pages; AAT 3307143
African antiquity and the African-American literary design of civilization: Frances Ellen Watkins Harper, William Edward Burghardt Du Bois and the case for multiplicity
by Serrano, Jorge Luis, Ph.D., Temple University, 2008, 285 pages; AAT 3300376
A philological and theological analysis of the ancient Latin translations of the "Vita Antonii"
by Gandt, Lois, Ph.D., Fordham University, 2008, 328 pages; AAT 3310418
Apollodorus of Artemita and rise of the Parthian empire
by Tada, Richard, Ph.D., University of Washington, 2008, 178 pages; AAT 3303409
Aristotle's first critique: The Eleatic Stranger and the "Politics"
by Cherry, Kevin M., Ph.D., University of Notre Dame, 2008, 335 pages; AAT 3309163
A textual and literary analysis of the references to 'issa and nasim in the book of the prophet Jeremiah
by Pilarski, Ahida E., Ph.D., Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, 2008, 330 pages; AAT 3303369
Baby bones, food, and health: Stable isotopic evidence for infant feeding practices in the Greek colony of Apollonia (5th-- 2nd centuries B.C.)
by Kwok, Cynthia S., M.A., Trent University (Canada), 2008, 203 pages; AAT MR31700
Circa deos ac religiones: Religion and the Roman emperor from Augustus to Constantine
by Polk, Matthew Robert, Ph.D., Harvard University, 2008, 424 pages; AAT 3312490
Contesting imaginaires in death rituals during the Northern Song dynasty
by Choi, Mihwa, Ph.D., The University of Chicago, 2008, 355 pages; AAT 3300426
Corinth and the birth of figural representation in Greek monumental architecture
by Roland, Sarah, Ph.D., Columbia University, 2008, 409 pages; AAT 3299292
Creation, Eden, temple and mountain: Textual presentations of sacred space in the Hebrew Bible
by Kang, Seung Il, Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins University, 2008, 251 pages; AAT 3309693
Culture contact and social change along China's ancient southwestern frontier, 900 B.C.--100 A.D
by Yao, Alice, Ph.D., University of Michigan, 2008, 441 pages; AAT 3305113
Dragon kings and thunder gods: Rainmaking, magic, and ritual in medieval Chinese religion
by Capitanio, Joshua, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 2008, 270 pages; AAT 3309404
Ehud and Eglon in Moab: Judges 3:12--30 in the Bible, the Old Versions and Ancient Jewish Literature
by Dubin, Andrew Ross, D.H.L., The Jewish Theological Seminary of America, 2008, 148 pages; AAT 3302403
Emotional geography in the Song of Songs: A literary study of the contexts of love
by Sigler, Timothy Martin, Ph.D., Trinity International University, 2008, 342 pages; AAT 3308215
Environmental history of the Persian Empire in the late antiquity
by Yeganehshakib, Reza, M.S., California State University, Fullerton, 2008, 58 pages; AAT 1454823
Gift upon gift: Covenant through word in the Gospel of John
by Brown, Sherri, Ph.D., The Catholic University of America, 2008, 389 pages; AAT 3294693
How not to go out of the world: First Corinthians 14:13--25 and the social foundations of early Christian expansion
by Munoz, Kevin A., Ph.D., Emory University, 2008, 278 pages; AAT 3310278
How to do kings with words: Byzantine imperial ideology and the representation of power in pre-Phanariot admonitory literature
by Panou, Nikolaos, Ph.D., Harvard University, 2008, 295 pages; AAT 3312481
Human labor and harbor capacity at Rome
by LaGroue, Lance, M.A., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2008, 47 pages; AAT 1452967
Hunters, heroes, kings: The frieze of Tomb II at Vergina
by Franks, Hallie Malcolm, Ph.D., Harvard University, 2008, 330 pages; AAT 3312359
Ideology and community in Caesar's "Bellum Civile"
by Grillo, Luca, Ph.D., Princeton University, 2008, 272 pages; AAT 3312801
Improved three-dimensional models of seismic velocity and sensity for the island of Hawaii: Implications for volcano-tectonics
by Park, Jaewoo, Ph.D., Rice University, 2008, 125 pages; AAT 3309938
Improving VAST structure alignment performance and analysis of small molecule contacts in protein structures
by Thompson, Kenneth Evan, Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins University, 2008, 65 pages; AAT 3288584
Lasithi before the new palaces: A study of selected elite artifacts from the Hagios Charalambos Cave
by Ferrence, Susan C., Ph.D., Temple University, 2008, 224 pages; AAT 3300348
Mimetic contagion in Terence's "Eunuchus"
by Germany, Robert, Ph.D., The University of Chicago, 2008, 249 pages; AAT 3309042
People and identities in Nessana
by Stroumsa, Rachel, Ph.D., Duke University, 2008, 274 pages; AAT 3303498
Performing Christian female identity in Roman Alexandria
by Juliussen-Stevenson, Heather, M.A., University of Maryland, College Park, 2008, 122 pages; AAT 1453741
Plato on syntax and its metaphysical foundations
by Thaler, Naly, Ph.D., Princeton University, 2008, 211 pages; AAT 3295320
Poetics and polemics: Horace's satiric idiom and the comic tradition
by Ferriss, Jennifer Laura, Ph.D., Harvard University, 2008, 246 pages; AAT 3312354
Reciprocal influences between rhetoric and medicine in ancient Greece
by Roth, Adam David, Ph.D., The University of Iowa, 2008, 146 pages; AAT 3310574
Reinterpretation of the "Palace of Bryas": A study in Byzantine architecture, history and historiography
by Ricci, Alessandra, Ph.D., Princeton University, 2008, 419 pages; AAT 3305772
Relative chronology and the language of epic
by Jones, Brandtly Neal, Ph.D., Cornell University, 2008, 172 pages; AAT 3295856
Romans, allies, and the struggle for the Roman citizenship, 91--77 BCE
by Kendall, Seth Lyons, Ph.D., University of Kentucky, 2008, 728 pages; AAT 3299384
Rural change and continuity in Etruria: A study of village communities from the 7th century B.C. to the 1st century A.D
by Vander Poppen, Robert E., Ph.D., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2008, 568 pages; AAT 3304276
Singing the skolion: A study of poetics and politics in ancient Greece
by Jones, Gregory Shane, Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins University, 2008, 404 pages; AAT 3288477
Soaring votives: Anathemata in archaic Greek sanctuaries
by Segal, Phoebe Clott, Ph.D., Columbia University, 2008, 328 pages; AAT 3299295
Sociolinguistics of the Luvian language
by Yakubovich, Ilya S., Ph.D., The University of Chicago, 2008, 570 pages; AAT 3309120
Sons and descendants: A social history of kin groups and family names in the early neo-Babylonian period
by Nielsen, John P., Ph.D., The University of Chicago, 2008, 437 pages; AAT 3309087
Studies in the historical syntax of Aramaic
by Pat-El, Na'ama, Ph.D., Harvard University, 2008, 428 pages; AAT 3312613
Subordinates and evildoers: Song scholar-officials' perceptions of clerks
by Wu, Chin-shan, Ph.D., State University of New York at Binghamton, 2008, 230 pages; AAT 3307991
The "`am ha'ares[dotbelow]" and King Josiah---a socio-political understanding
by Lee, DongGyw, Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins University, 2008, 242 pages; AAT 3309701
The Aramaic and Akkadian bilingual inscription from Tell Fekheriyeh and the dialects of Old Aramaic
by Yun, Il-Sung Andrew, Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins University, 2008, 497 pages; AAT 3309786
The archaeology of destruction: A Roman perspective
by Neil, Skylar, M.A., Tufts University, 2008, 48 pages; AAT 1452806
The geographical background of the Persepolis tablets
by Arfaee, Abdolmajid, Ph.D., The University of Chicago, 2008, 150 pages; AAT 3300414
The matter of magic: Material figures of memory and protection in Neo-Assyrian apotropaic figurine rituals (first millennium BC)
by Nakamura, Carolyn M., Ph.D., Columbia University, 2008, 346 pages; AAT 3290467
Theology in mind: Reduction, emergence, and cognitive science
by Van Slyke, James Arthur, Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary, School of Theology, 2008, 257 pages; AAT 3311994
The pedagogy of the soul: Origen's "Homilies on the Psalms"
by Heintz, Michael, Ph.D., University of Notre Dame, 2008, 328 pages; AAT 3309539
The philosophical muse: On comedy in the Platonic dialogues
by Trivigno, Franco V., Ph.D., Boston University, 2008, 276 pages; AAT 3296042
The portrayal of women in the "Annales" of Tacitus
by Parks, Eric A., Ph.D., Boston University, 2008, 334 pages; AAT 3298668
Trends, traditions, and transformations: Fashions in dress in Early Dynastic Mesopotamia
by Baadsgaard, Aubrey, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 2008, 467 pages; AAT 3309392
Utopia and community in the ancient world
by Schmidt, Brent James, Ph.D., University of Colorado at Boulder, 2008, 227 pages; AAT 3303880
Varieties of encyclopedism in the early Roman Empire: Vitruvius, Pliny the Elder, Artemidorus
by Harris-McCoy, Daniel E., Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 2008, 232 pages; AAT 3309440
Verbs of leading in the Hebrew Bible
by Leavins, Daniel C., Ph.D., The Catholic University of America, 2008, 301 pages; AAT 3294700
Voluntary animal motion from Greek antiquity to the Latin Middle Ages, 400 B.C.--A.D. 1300
by Frampton, Michael, Ph.D., The University of Chicago, 2008, 171 pages; AAT 3300430
Women of ivory as embodiments of ideal feminine beauty in the ancient Near East during the first millennium BCE
by Gansell, Amy Rebecca, Ph.D., Harvard University, 2008, 460 pages; AAT 3312362
Worshipping in community: Jupiter and Roman religion in the early imperial period
by Husser, Zehavi Victoria, Ph.D., Princeton University, 2008, 302 pages; AAT 3308044
Writing, literacy, and textual transmission: The production of literary documents in Iron Age Judah and the composition of the Hebrew Bible
by Whisenant, Jessica N., Ph.D., University of Michigan, 2008, 387 pages; AAT 3305104
A brief history by the victor: Roman portrayal of Etruscan influences
by Franks, MaryLee, M.A., University of Kansas, 2008, 55 pages; AAT 1453649
A case study in function and form: Excavations of a Third Intermediate Period mud-brick building in Thebes
by Sullivan, Elaine A., Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins University, 2008, 586 pages; AAT 3288540
A commentary on Tacitus, "Annals" 16.1--20
by Bartera, Salvador, Ph.D., University of Virginia, 2008, 318 pages; AAT 3312182
A critical introduction and commentary on the "Acts of Paul and Thecla"
by Barrier, Jeremy W., Ph.D., Texas Christian University, 2008, 341 pages; AAT 3297946
Advanced correlation-based character recognition applied to the Archimedes Palimpsest
by Walvoord, Derek J., Ph.D., Rochester Institute of Technology, 2008, 197 pages; AAT 3307143
African antiquity and the African-American literary design of civilization: Frances Ellen Watkins Harper, William Edward Burghardt Du Bois and the case for multiplicity
by Serrano, Jorge Luis, Ph.D., Temple University, 2008, 285 pages; AAT 3300376
A philological and theological analysis of the ancient Latin translations of the "Vita Antonii"
by Gandt, Lois, Ph.D., Fordham University, 2008, 328 pages; AAT 3310418
Apollodorus of Artemita and rise of the Parthian empire
by Tada, Richard, Ph.D., University of Washington, 2008, 178 pages; AAT 3303409
Aristotle's first critique: The Eleatic Stranger and the "Politics"
by Cherry, Kevin M., Ph.D., University of Notre Dame, 2008, 335 pages; AAT 3309163
A textual and literary analysis of the references to 'issa and nasim in the book of the prophet Jeremiah
by Pilarski, Ahida E., Ph.D., Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, 2008, 330 pages; AAT 3303369
Baby bones, food, and health: Stable isotopic evidence for infant feeding practices in the Greek colony of Apollonia (5th-- 2nd centuries B.C.)
by Kwok, Cynthia S., M.A., Trent University (Canada), 2008, 203 pages; AAT MR31700
Circa deos ac religiones: Religion and the Roman emperor from Augustus to Constantine
by Polk, Matthew Robert, Ph.D., Harvard University, 2008, 424 pages; AAT 3312490
Contesting imaginaires in death rituals during the Northern Song dynasty
by Choi, Mihwa, Ph.D., The University of Chicago, 2008, 355 pages; AAT 3300426
Corinth and the birth of figural representation in Greek monumental architecture
by Roland, Sarah, Ph.D., Columbia University, 2008, 409 pages; AAT 3299292
Creation, Eden, temple and mountain: Textual presentations of sacred space in the Hebrew Bible
by Kang, Seung Il, Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins University, 2008, 251 pages; AAT 3309693
Culture contact and social change along China's ancient southwestern frontier, 900 B.C.--100 A.D
by Yao, Alice, Ph.D., University of Michigan, 2008, 441 pages; AAT 3305113
Dragon kings and thunder gods: Rainmaking, magic, and ritual in medieval Chinese religion
by Capitanio, Joshua, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 2008, 270 pages; AAT 3309404
Ehud and Eglon in Moab: Judges 3:12--30 in the Bible, the Old Versions and Ancient Jewish Literature
by Dubin, Andrew Ross, D.H.L., The Jewish Theological Seminary of America, 2008, 148 pages; AAT 3302403
Emotional geography in the Song of Songs: A literary study of the contexts of love
by Sigler, Timothy Martin, Ph.D., Trinity International University, 2008, 342 pages; AAT 3308215
Environmental history of the Persian Empire in the late antiquity
by Yeganehshakib, Reza, M.S., California State University, Fullerton, 2008, 58 pages; AAT 1454823
Gift upon gift: Covenant through word in the Gospel of John
by Brown, Sherri, Ph.D., The Catholic University of America, 2008, 389 pages; AAT 3294693
How not to go out of the world: First Corinthians 14:13--25 and the social foundations of early Christian expansion
by Munoz, Kevin A., Ph.D., Emory University, 2008, 278 pages; AAT 3310278
How to do kings with words: Byzantine imperial ideology and the representation of power in pre-Phanariot admonitory literature
by Panou, Nikolaos, Ph.D., Harvard University, 2008, 295 pages; AAT 3312481
Human labor and harbor capacity at Rome
by LaGroue, Lance, M.A., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2008, 47 pages; AAT 1452967
Hunters, heroes, kings: The frieze of Tomb II at Vergina
by Franks, Hallie Malcolm, Ph.D., Harvard University, 2008, 330 pages; AAT 3312359
Ideology and community in Caesar's "Bellum Civile"
by Grillo, Luca, Ph.D., Princeton University, 2008, 272 pages; AAT 3312801
Improved three-dimensional models of seismic velocity and sensity for the island of Hawaii: Implications for volcano-tectonics
by Park, Jaewoo, Ph.D., Rice University, 2008, 125 pages; AAT 3309938
Improving VAST structure alignment performance and analysis of small molecule contacts in protein structures
by Thompson, Kenneth Evan, Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins University, 2008, 65 pages; AAT 3288584
Lasithi before the new palaces: A study of selected elite artifacts from the Hagios Charalambos Cave
by Ferrence, Susan C., Ph.D., Temple University, 2008, 224 pages; AAT 3300348
Mimetic contagion in Terence's "Eunuchus"
by Germany, Robert, Ph.D., The University of Chicago, 2008, 249 pages; AAT 3309042
People and identities in Nessana
by Stroumsa, Rachel, Ph.D., Duke University, 2008, 274 pages; AAT 3303498
Performing Christian female identity in Roman Alexandria
by Juliussen-Stevenson, Heather, M.A., University of Maryland, College Park, 2008, 122 pages; AAT 1453741
Plato on syntax and its metaphysical foundations
by Thaler, Naly, Ph.D., Princeton University, 2008, 211 pages; AAT 3295320
Poetics and polemics: Horace's satiric idiom and the comic tradition
by Ferriss, Jennifer Laura, Ph.D., Harvard University, 2008, 246 pages; AAT 3312354
Reciprocal influences between rhetoric and medicine in ancient Greece
by Roth, Adam David, Ph.D., The University of Iowa, 2008, 146 pages; AAT 3310574
Reinterpretation of the "Palace of Bryas": A study in Byzantine architecture, history and historiography
by Ricci, Alessandra, Ph.D., Princeton University, 2008, 419 pages; AAT 3305772
Relative chronology and the language of epic
by Jones, Brandtly Neal, Ph.D., Cornell University, 2008, 172 pages; AAT 3295856
Romans, allies, and the struggle for the Roman citizenship, 91--77 BCE
by Kendall, Seth Lyons, Ph.D., University of Kentucky, 2008, 728 pages; AAT 3299384
Rural change and continuity in Etruria: A study of village communities from the 7th century B.C. to the 1st century A.D
by Vander Poppen, Robert E., Ph.D., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2008, 568 pages; AAT 3304276
Singing the skolion: A study of poetics and politics in ancient Greece
by Jones, Gregory Shane, Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins University, 2008, 404 pages; AAT 3288477
Soaring votives: Anathemata in archaic Greek sanctuaries
by Segal, Phoebe Clott, Ph.D., Columbia University, 2008, 328 pages; AAT 3299295
Sociolinguistics of the Luvian language
by Yakubovich, Ilya S., Ph.D., The University of Chicago, 2008, 570 pages; AAT 3309120
Sons and descendants: A social history of kin groups and family names in the early neo-Babylonian period
by Nielsen, John P., Ph.D., The University of Chicago, 2008, 437 pages; AAT 3309087
Studies in the historical syntax of Aramaic
by Pat-El, Na'ama, Ph.D., Harvard University, 2008, 428 pages; AAT 3312613
Subordinates and evildoers: Song scholar-officials' perceptions of clerks
by Wu, Chin-shan, Ph.D., State University of New York at Binghamton, 2008, 230 pages; AAT 3307991
The "`am ha'ares[dotbelow]" and King Josiah---a socio-political understanding
by Lee, DongGyw, Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins University, 2008, 242 pages; AAT 3309701
The Aramaic and Akkadian bilingual inscription from Tell Fekheriyeh and the dialects of Old Aramaic
by Yun, Il-Sung Andrew, Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins University, 2008, 497 pages; AAT 3309786
The archaeology of destruction: A Roman perspective
by Neil, Skylar, M.A., Tufts University, 2008, 48 pages; AAT 1452806
The geographical background of the Persepolis tablets
by Arfaee, Abdolmajid, Ph.D., The University of Chicago, 2008, 150 pages; AAT 3300414
The matter of magic: Material figures of memory and protection in Neo-Assyrian apotropaic figurine rituals (first millennium BC)
by Nakamura, Carolyn M., Ph.D., Columbia University, 2008, 346 pages; AAT 3290467
Theology in mind: Reduction, emergence, and cognitive science
by Van Slyke, James Arthur, Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary, School of Theology, 2008, 257 pages; AAT 3311994
The pedagogy of the soul: Origen's "Homilies on the Psalms"
by Heintz, Michael, Ph.D., University of Notre Dame, 2008, 328 pages; AAT 3309539
The philosophical muse: On comedy in the Platonic dialogues
by Trivigno, Franco V., Ph.D., Boston University, 2008, 276 pages; AAT 3296042
The portrayal of women in the "Annales" of Tacitus
by Parks, Eric A., Ph.D., Boston University, 2008, 334 pages; AAT 3298668
Trends, traditions, and transformations: Fashions in dress in Early Dynastic Mesopotamia
by Baadsgaard, Aubrey, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 2008, 467 pages; AAT 3309392
Utopia and community in the ancient world
by Schmidt, Brent James, Ph.D., University of Colorado at Boulder, 2008, 227 pages; AAT 3303880
Varieties of encyclopedism in the early Roman Empire: Vitruvius, Pliny the Elder, Artemidorus
by Harris-McCoy, Daniel E., Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 2008, 232 pages; AAT 3309440
Verbs of leading in the Hebrew Bible
by Leavins, Daniel C., Ph.D., The Catholic University of America, 2008, 301 pages; AAT 3294700
Voluntary animal motion from Greek antiquity to the Latin Middle Ages, 400 B.C.--A.D. 1300
by Frampton, Michael, Ph.D., The University of Chicago, 2008, 171 pages; AAT 3300430
Women of ivory as embodiments of ideal feminine beauty in the ancient Near East during the first millennium BCE
by Gansell, Amy Rebecca, Ph.D., Harvard University, 2008, 460 pages; AAT 3312362
Worshipping in community: Jupiter and Roman religion in the early imperial period
by Husser, Zehavi Victoria, Ph.D., Princeton University, 2008, 302 pages; AAT 3308044
Writing, literacy, and textual transmission: The production of literary documents in Iron Age Judah and the composition of the Hebrew Bible
by Whisenant, Jessica N., Ph.D., University of Michigan, 2008, 387 pages; AAT 3305104
Friday, September 19, 2008
Academic Social Network
Those of you with an academic affiliation may find Academia.edu to be interesting and useful.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
New Aggregator for Excavation Blogs
Pursuant to (minimal) discussion here and there, I've created a new member of the Atlantides constellation of feed aggregators: Planet Taygete, where I intend to group blogs that are associated with specific excavations and surveys. The current subscriber list is pretty thin; please suggest additional blogs to include (comments here are fine ... blog must have a web feed to be included). If I think a particular blog is not focused closely enough on a single excavation or survey, I'll plunk it into Planet Maia.
Why bother blogging?
Over at A Very Remote Period Indeed, Julien Riel-Salvatore has written an interesting piece entitled, somewhat stealthily, "Well, look at that ..." in which he considers the journey from blog post to journal article, and the benefits of using a blog
I'm reminded of the wide-ranging discussion that developed around Bill Caraher's series on Metablogging the Ancient World, which touched on many other aspects of practice. I'm a bit at a loss as to how to round up or point out all the threads of that discussion, ranging as it did across multiple blogs and even some other media, so I'll just lamely point at Chuck's earlier post on the subject.as a way of forcing myself to articulate first reactions to articles and newsreports that I read, and to engage a wider audience in debates over archaeology, anthropology, and other topics.
And that probably launches a new thread: supposing we wanted to round up and cite a such a wide-ranging discussion? How best to do it?
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