Saturday, November 7, 2009

University of Chicago Press ebook givaway

Beginning this month the University of Chicago Press is offering a free e-book every month. It's an effort to raise awareness about the Chicago Digital Editions program, to get the uninitiated to try out an e-book on their PC, Mac, or mobile reader, and to promote their authors. This month book is:


The Birthday Book

Edited and Translated by Holt N. Parker
120 pages, 9 line drawings 5 x 7 © 2007

E-book Free! (about e-books)

ISBN: 9780226099774

Cloth $25.00

ISBN: 9780226099743 Published February 2007

“[Roman grammarian and writer] Censorinus distills the wisdom of several strains of philosophy, extracting whatever seems to have any bearing on births, days and birthdays: theories of the origin of the human species, the formation of the individual foetus, the principles of astrology, the ages of man, the nature of time, eons, centuries, years, months, days and hours.”—London Review of Books

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