Friday, April 23, 2010

feed readers?

I've been using Bloglines forever, assuming it worked and not otherwise really paying attention. The two day outage that just ended made me poke around a little and I discovered some serious problems with it. Aside from the fact that it was inaccessible this and that the list of my feeds was unavailable to me, I found many complaint that it was not working well.

The moment Bloglines came back online this morning, I grabbed my subscriptions in opml and imported them into Google Reader and discovered that there were scores of feeds Bloglines had been ignoring, some of them for years. To be sure, many of these are tagged by Bloglines with !, signifying a problem with the feed, but many other were not marked at all.

Not good.

Advice? Will any of you swear by the utility and reliability feed reader you use? I'm on a Mac. Otherwise I have no real preferences, though I admit that the disappearance of Bloglines makes me wary of storing all my feeds in the cloud.

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Miller Prosser said...

Hi Chuck,
I switched over from Bloglines to Google Reader about 6 months ago and like it a lot. You can easily star an entry to save it for later. You can mark an entry with "like" which Google uses to give you suggestions. Every few days Reader recommends four new blogs based on my activity. Also, it will provide a feed of recommended entries, not complete blogs but individual entries. I have found many new blogs thanks to these two features. If you're into analytics, Reader has a "trends" feature that reports on your activity: how many blogs have you read in the last 30 days, what time of day did you read these blogs, etc. And overall, it just seems to work better.

My two cents,
Miller Prosser

Laura Gibbs said...

I too used to use Bloglines, and it had some great features, but the intrusive advertising drove me away about two years ago. I now use GoogleReader and it works well for me. My favorite feature is the way that it will manage a blog roll folder by folder, so that I can easily display a blog roll of items in my "Latin" folder over at my Latin blog, Bestiaria Latina, as well as automatically updated clippings of the most recent items in that folder (of which your post was one this morning!) - see the blogroll in the right-hand column: Bestiaria Latina blog; that's all managed by GoogleReader. There are lots of features I would like to see added, but none of them are essential to being able to do the basics of what I need to do with a feed reader. I'll be curious what others say here. I'm not actively looking for a new feed reader, but if there is some whizbang alternative out there, I'd be glad to know about it.

J. P. van de Giessen said...

At this moment I'm using GoogleReader.

I've a RSS-feed on one of my websites, which generates each day about 200 new feeds. After some months testing on several RSS-readers I found that all (!!) of them skip some feeds. GoogleReader skips only 1 per 100. Others like Blogreader skips 20-25 per 100

jps said...


I've been using NetNewsWire on my MacBook Pro for 2 years or so. I like the fact that it stores stuff locally (except graphics); I'm away from Internet connectivity enough that I have to have that.


John Muccigrosso said...

I just use the reader built into Safari. It stores the feeds for off-line reading (so it seems), and I think it works ok.

Vincent said...

Hi Chuck,

I used to use Bloglines and the same thing happened to me - Bloglines went down and I looked around for alternatives.

Google Reader is serving me well the the few years since then. I have tried NetNewsWire (I am on a Mac also) but didn't see any benefit over Google Reader. I suppose if you internet connection is slow or you want to read your feeds while not online NetNewsWire would be more useful.

I suggest trying both.


Qohelet said...

I've been using Google Reader for the past two years. Before then, it was a variety of PC feed readers (even a browser-based reader), but Google has made its web app very easy to use and reliable.

Anarchangel said...

I used to use Thunderbird, but it was pretty flakey. I switched to Googlereader.

roger said...

I've been using Bloglines forever too, and like the new Beta version. However, now I'm giving Google Reader another try, imported my feeds today. In that past when I tried that experiment I went back to Bloglines. This time, who knows...